Hello Families,

I hope you and your children have kept well the last month, we are starting to see the first and welcomed signs of spring!

Thank you to Jo Robertson our events coordinator and all the families who generously manned the Bunnings BBQ stall on 27th August 2017. It was great to see the roster fill up so quickly and again our wonderful Elonera community come together to support this fundraising effort.

It is with great excitement that we are able to announce that we were successful in obtaining a Kingston Council Grant that together with funds raised from our Music Bingo, Bunnings BBQ and other fundraising efforts this year which will fund much of the next phase of our Grounds Renovation. Therefore, the Grounds team along with the rest of the committee has been planning the next major phase of our Grounds Renovation which will take place in the September school holidays. We have been working hard to make sure we can spend money within the year it is raised in order for their children of families that have contributed to raising funds are able to enjoy the outcome of the hard work. To achieve the planned works in this timeframe and within our budget, we will be using a combination of paid contractors as well as our own muscle. Paid contractors will be completing works during the school holidays and we will have tasks for the kinder community to do some tasks during the planned working bee which will be held on Sunday 8th October 2017. So please keep this date free, children will be welcome!

We are also pleased to announce that the Twilight Market will be held again this year on Friday 24th November 2017. Mark the date in your diary now, it really is an event not to be missed we will have entertainment and market stalls both Elonera sponsored and community hosted. It is a great time of year to pick unique presents for Christmas or even something for yourself! We are calling for helpers to help coordinate the various Elonera stalls, e.g. book stall, cake stall, trash and treasure, wine drive. If you are able to help please contact Jo at events@elonerapreschool.com.au asap.

Lastly, for families returning next year, the committee we will be hosting an afternoon information session on Sunday 15th October 2017 from 2-4pm. This information session will feature the many ways you can be more involved in the kinder experience. We are inviting returning families and families who will be coming to Elonera for the first time in 2018 and will be featuring the current and new committee roles (of which all positions are opened each year for nominations) as well as many ways in which families can be involved (non committee).

Have a great month.


Lucinda Salmon
