Who can believe that we are approaching the end of the 2017 year! These last few weeks have been super busy in Koala group with preparations beginning for our end of year celebration and Christmas! Many of the children in addition to attending Kinder have been visiting their Primary Schools engaging in transition
sessions showing excitement about this next learning journey.

Amongst other community events such as the twilight market, PJ day, one of the highlights was when we attended our last excursion for the year to the Collingwood Children’s farm. The children had the opportunity to get up close with many of the differing animals and this was a very interactive and hands on experience. The children showed respect for the animals and enjoyed this shared learning experience with their peers, parent helpers and teachers. Thankyou to all those parents who offered to help at our two excursions this was greatly appreciated, and these events cannot run without your support!

From the beginning of this term I have been able to observe the Koala children engaging in bigger and varying social groups during their play. Often we have observed half of the children or more engaging in a joint game on the mat or outside together. The children are enjoying longer periods of independent and uninterrupted play where they are extending their friendships and interacting and playing together. As a teacher this has been rewarding to watch as I can see the children feel a strong sense of belonging within the environment, they have developed strong social skills, they are showing independence, and can make safe choices within the environment. As the children happily work with one another I can see that they have established life long friendships that will continue.

As this is the last newsletter for the year I would like to extend my thanks to the Elonera community for their support, and welcoming me into the Kinder this year. I have felt extremely supported and privileged to be a member of Elonera Preschool and the warm, inviting and friendly community that it is. I look forward to sharing he last few weeks with the Koala group and families and wish everyone a Merry Christmas and happy holidays and see you next year!